Lincoln Office Cleaning

Do you want your
Do you want your
Do you want your
Home- Offce to be Neat and Tidy?
Home- Offce to be Neat and Tidy?
Home- Offce to be Neat and Tidy?
Home- Offce to be Neat and Tidy?
It is a long established fact that a reader will be distracted by the readable content of a page when looking at its layout.
It is a long established fact that a reader will be distracted by the readable content of a page when looking at its layout.

About Us

The LINCOLN OFFICE CLEANING is dedicated to the idea that every client is a long-term relationship. No problem is too small, no job too big, and no client is ever taken for granted.

Our unique position in the industry as a General Contractor and maintenance provider is truly a differentiator. Our program allows us to bridge the gap between the two.

This gives us a tremendous competitive advantage. In addition, our unique position allows our sales consultants to provide technical information firsthand, as the unique provider of the services we perform.

Our Services

Office Cleaning

Lincoln Office Cleaning office cleaning services provides professional office and commercial cleaning services for Lincoln NE based companies

Floor Maintenance Services

Lincoln Office Cleaning is Lincoln NE’s most trusted maintenance company for commercial floor cleaning services.

University & School Cleaning Services

Lincoln Office Cleaning provide quality school cleaning services in Lincoln NE so that every student, faculty member, parent and visitor entering your school feels safe and comfortable.

Medical Facilities Cleaning Services

Here at Lincoln Office Cleaning, we are proud to offer cleaning for medical facilities such as hospitals, doctor’s offices, nursing homes, and more.

Restroom Sanitation Services

Lincoln Office Cleaning is dedicated to helping businesses just like yours maximize return business and efficient restroom cleaning can help!

Epoxy Flooring Coating Service

With years of experience in providing professional Epoxy flooring services in the Lincoln NE area, Lincoln Office Cleaning is your company for complete industrial epoxy flooring solutions.

High Dusting & Ceiling Cleaning Service

Lincoln Office Cleaning has evolved into the Lincoln’s top full-service specialty ceiling cleaning company. We are not a franchise and we don’t outsource. Our ceiling cleaning service is very specialized and requires highly skilled technicians and proprietary products that are not sold in stores.

Well make your place clean & neat

Good Behaviour

Timey delivered work


We know that as a facility manager you have other responsibilities besides cleaning and maintenance. If you are currently looking for a new service provider, it’s because you are fed up with having to also manage the commercial cleaning company you hired.


We manage all supply purchasing, monitor inventory levels, and reorder on your behalf via your dedicated portal. We don’t upcharge you, instead we pair you up directly with our supplier and pass on our pricing directly to you.


Our supervisors work through the night performing inspections and taking pictures to verify the cleaning was done. We send the photos directly to your inbox so you can rest assured knowing that all cleaning tasks were completed while you enjoy your morning coffee.


We schedule and monitor facility maintenance projects so you don’t have to. Our team will remind you of upcoming projects while our custom technology identifies issues in real-time so we can take immediate action on leaks, clogged sinks, and other issues.


We’re proud to be the office cleaning company that Lincoln facilities trust to deliver spotless cleaning time and time again! All of our team members are highly trained and passionate about making sure everything is spotless.

For the best in commercial cleaning companies, come to Lincoln Office Cleaning. Talk to the professionals at our commercial cleaning services company to learn more!

Contact Us

If for some reason you are not completely satisfied and we can’t resolve your concerns, please contact us.